Job Manager

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The Job Manager Page allows you to organize Weld Builder jobs and access the Program Page to edit the selected job.

See also Tutorial 1

Therefor the Job Manager Page is divided in three parts. At the top you will find the used version and the possibility to move the robot to the set home position by pressing and holding the Go To Home Position button.
It is also possible to create a new job or import an existing one from a USB drive.

The job list in the middle of the page displays the exisiting Weld Builder jobs. In addition, the list contains the information of the last edited date.

In the lower part you can find the Job Details. If a job is selected in the job list, the job name and the last edited date are displayed here again.
This selected job can be customized by renaming, duplicating, deleting, exporting or editing.

Job Manager

Every change is saved automatically!


A job name can be entered via the text field in the Create Job area. When activating the text field by clicking on it, a keyboard opens, which only shows the allowed characters. After entering a valid name, it can be created by clicking the Create button. The name then appears in the job list below and is automatically selected. This selection displays the job details for this job.


To rename a job, the corresponding job must be selected in the job list on the Job Manager Page. Afterwards, the job name is displayed again in a text field in the Job Details. By clicking on the text field, a keyboard appears on the Smart Pendant. Using this keyboard, a new name can be entered and changed using the Rename button.

If the name is invalid, the old name is displayed again and a warning message appears.


An existing job can be duplicated by selecting the existing job in the job list on the Job Manager Page. This job name will then appear in the Job Details. The Duplicate button creates a job with the name of the existing job and the extension “-COPY”.


An existing job can be deleted by selecting the existing job in the job list on the Job Manager Page. This job name will then appear in the Job Details. It can then be deleted by clicking the Delete button.

Since this process cannot be undone, the final deletion must be confirmed again in a pop-up menu.

Delete Job


Before you click on the Import button, load the Weld Builder job into the root directory of the USB stick, insert it into the Smart Pendant and wait until it is detected.

If you want to import a Weld Builder job, click the Import button on the Job Manager page. The import page appears and shows all Weld Builder jobs from the root directory of the USB drive. After selecting the desired job, you can click Import. Otherwise, click Cancel.
Now the Job Manager page appears again and the imported file is listed in the job list.

If a job with the same name already exists, a pop-up window will appear to overwrite the existing job.

Import Job


The Export button is only clickable if a USB drive is inserted.
If a USB drive is inserted and the Export button is not clickable, select the desired job in the job list again.

If you want to export a Weld Builder job, select the desired job in the job list and click the Export button.

If a job with the same name already exists on the USB drive, it will be overwritten by the job to be exported.


An existing job can be edited by selecting the existing job in the job list on the Job Manager Page. This job name will then appear in the Job Details. With the Edit button you can open the Program Page to edit the selected job.

Pages built with Hugo - 12 Sep 2024 13:34 CEST