Weld Settings Page

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The Weld Settings Page displays the different welding options that can be set and assigned to a Weld Setting Name.

See also Tutorial 3

Every change is saved automatically!

The Weld Settings Page is divided into two areas:
In the upper area, the Back button can be used to return to the Program Page. In addition, a new weld setting can be created ( create new weld setting ). Alternatively, an exisiting Weld Setting Name can be selected from the drop-down menu under Select Weld Setting.
In the lower area, the Weld Setting Details displays the settings of the selected Weld Setting Name which can be adjusted.

The different Welding Types that are supported can be found under Welding Types .

Weld Settings Page

Create a weld setting

On the Weld Settings page, a weld setting name can be entered via the text field under Create Weld Setting. When activating the text field by clicking on it, a keyboard opens. After entering a valid name, it can be created by clicking the Create button. The name appears in the drop-down menu under Select Weld Setting then and is automatically selected. This selection displays the weld settings details for this weld setting.

To use this new weld setting, it is necessary to set a job number in the weld settings details.

Rename weld setting

To rename a weld setting, the corresponding weld setting must be selected in the drop-down list under Select Weld Setting. Afterwards, the weld setting name is displayed again in a text field in the Weld Settings Details. By clicking on the text field, a keyboard appears on the Smart Pendant. Using this keyboard, a new name can be entered and changed using the Rename button. If the name is invalid, the old name is displayed again and a warning message appears.

Delete weld setting

To delete a weld setting, the corresponding weld setting must be selected in the drop-down list under Select Weld Setting and will be displayed in the Weld Settings Details. It can then be deleted by clicking on the Delete button. Since this process cannot be undone, the final deletion must be confirmed again in a pop-up menu.

Welder specific settings

Depending on the used welding power source, certain parameters must be set. These parameters are displayed directly below the text field for editing the weld setting name. If parameters are displayed they must be set in order to use the selected weld setting.

Set job number

The power source is set for the individual welding tasks by job numbers. All parameters relevant to the welding task are saved under each job number.
Insert the Job No. you want to use for your welding task.

If the job number is visible it is mandatory for each weld setting.

Set program number

Program No. is subordinate to the Job No. Various parameters can be changed in the Program No.
Insert the Program No. you want to use for your welding task.

If the program number is visible it is mandatory for each weld setting.

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