Stitch Weld


Stitch weld represents an interrupted or sequential welding type. Via the parameters Start/End Length, Length, Weld Counts, Transport Speed and Lift the settings for welding are made.

Stitch Weld

The piece to be processed in Stitch Weld is composed of the start and end distance, which is specified and welded with the Start/End Length in mm. This Start/End Length can have a different value than the remaining sections to be welded, which are also specified in mm via the Length parameter. The number of these sections depends on the Weld Counts.
Weld Counts has at least the value 2, i.e. the Start/End Length section. The sections between the welds are evenly distributed at the speed specified in the Transport Speed in cm/min and with the set height Lift above the part in mm.

The movement of the robot when performing Stitch Weld starts with the outer weld sections and then welds the inner sections in sequence. The parameters can be entered in the Weld Builder after activating Stitch Weld. In addition, the information button and the drawing are intended to aid understanding.

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