Weaving Weld


The robot performs an additional oscillating motion with adjustable amplitude and frequency transverse to the direction of travel during welding.

Fillet Weaving Weld
Butt Weaving Weld

Weaving Weld in combination with fillet weld is an oscillating welding movement at 45° to the component with an adjustable amplitude and frequency. If butt weld is set, the angle is 0°.
Amplitude defines the deflection of the oscillating movement from the center line in mm. The value must be between 0.1 and 60 mm.

Frequency defines how fast the torch oscillates or how often the torch performs the oscillating motion per second. The indication takes place thereby in Hz and must be between 0.1 and 5 Hz.
It should also be noted that at a frequency greater than or equal to 4 Hz, the product of frequen and amplitude must not reach 12.
Fillet Weld/ Butt Weld, Amplitude and Frequency can be adjusted after activating Weaving Weld. Additionally, an information button and a drawing shall serve for understanding.

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